
心的归属电影 BD高清版

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  • 关键词:
  • 在线云播放


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    David S. Cass Sr.2007年导演的美国剧情片电影《心的归属》由Melissa Gilbert,Cyril O'Reilly,Ken Howard,Terry Maratos主演,已有70人给本片评分,68个影迷给《心的归属》点赞,本片提供以下方式供您选择:在线云播放在线观看,在线云播放在线观看,。Katelyn 'Kate' Weston, a country girl who became a lawyer and joined an L.A. law firm years ago, specializes in defending minors having committed violent crimes who nobody else takes on. She gradually got estranged from her family, but then her older brother Ryan asks her to return to the farm he runs with their dad Thane who has become impossibly absentminded. By the time he is formally diagnosed with serious Alzheimer, she realizes how badly she really knew her family, having ran from her past after the trauma of witnessing her mother's suicide at age seven, and tries to talk it trough with Ryan and dad while he still has lucid moments.感谢您一直以来对湖北影院(www.cnhb.org)的支持,如果电影心的归属在线观看出现错误不能正常播放,请给我们留言【影片报错】,如果您觉得本站不错,请分享给身边的亲朋好友。

