
荣誉榜电影 BD高清版

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  • 关键词:
  • 在线云播放


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    艾丽莎·唐恩2018年导演的美国剧情片电影《荣誉榜》由梅根·瑞恩科斯,萨莎·皮特丝,卡鲁切·特兰,赵雅顿主演,已有70人给本片评分,82个影迷给《荣誉榜》点赞,本片提供以下方式供您选择:在线观看,在线云播放在线观看,在线云播放在线观看,。At the start of high school, Piper, Sophie, Isabella and Honor think they will be best friends forever, so they sink a time capsule in the lake with a list of things they want to do before graduation. By senior year, they have gone their separate ways. Piper has turned into the class clown, party girl who never passes up a drink. Sophie pledges to stay a virgin until she is married and has created a purity app. Isabella is the feminist femme fatale who's the editor of a zine. And Honor is the pride and joy of the community. Her dream of being a professional ballerina is taking off. But when tragedy strikes, the former BFFs must reunite, break open the capsule and complete the pre-graduation bucket list.感谢您一直以来对湖北影院(www.cnhb.org)的支持,如果电影荣誉榜在线观看出现错误不能正常播放,请给我们留言【影片报错】,如果您觉得本站不错,请分享给身边的亲朋好友。

