
鸭尊宝动漫 连载至BD集

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  • 非凡影音


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    由俄罗斯作者Viktor.Lakisov绘制的动漫《鸭尊宝》英语对白 中文字幕版又名:喜剧,冒险,动画,主要角色有:Michael.Gross,Jesse.Corti,Mark.DeCarlo,Enn.Reitel,讲述On the little island lost in far sunny China the regular life of mandarin ducks in an instant turns into chaos: the flock of the military mallards are making a cruise to Hawaii, by mistake lands on the mandarine's island. The chief of mallards, Duckmus doesn't want to reckon with the local traditions, as well the mandarin's Emperor doesn't like uninvited guests. The Cold War breaks out between two clans . The heir of the of mandarin's Emperor, Longway is falling in love with charming Erica, the daughter of the mallards chief and kids don't care about the war between their dads. While leaders are trying to sort out their relationships, Longway gets into a trouble. Two stupid thieves from the human town, on the instructions of the Old Witch, start to hunt for Longway. It turns out, that Longway is the magic "Sun Duck", which, according to the legend, is endowed with superhuman abilities, and it allows him to get power from the sun. The Old Witch is ready for any crime for the sake of solar power and eternal youth...感谢您一直以来对湖北影院(www.cnhb.org)的支持,如果动漫鸭尊宝在线观看出现错误不能正常播放,请给我们留言【影片报错】,如果您觉得本站不错,请分享给身边的亲朋好友。

